Monday, September 28, 2009

Falling Softly

In the chilled blanket of an ever darkening night
still cricketed with pale murmurs of pleading chirp,
a swarm of rustling lives beyond the misty leave
of a wispy ghostly breath... I listen stilly
to the eerie sound of an unseen screech-,
owl wooing and trilling into a falling kiss.

Leaves by day tipped in colors, grave and orange,
of jams, preserves, and marmalades
now settle for slumber at an early dusk.

The drowsy colors of imagination
are asleep and drifting skyward
into the black, and white, and gray
of a nightly settle.

The Moon, in golden yellow,
her pesky arc is the lamplight,
shedding her gauzy mercy
upon the sleeping calamity of colorful lids-

just before they're dying.


  1. I love your syntax throughout this poem.

    This is lovely and so telling, connecting to the powerful last line:
    "Leaves by day tipped in colors, grave and orange,of jams, preserves, and marmalades
    now settle for slumber at an early dusk"

  2. Hmm, interesting! I like the analogy applied here! Keep up the great work!

  3. Thank you both for your words of encouragement!
