Friday, September 11, 2009

The Launchpad

Raining tears as a cleansing goodbye,
farewell from dusted sills
and lacy languid curtains
that whispered the secret...
it's time to go... somewhere... West.

In a packed caravan with baggage,
and boxes, and pictures of places already seen
in memory of the many hangings.
A catapult to the future, stretching
the canvas of imagination and intrigue.

Two men sat in syncopated rhythm
of their shared lifetime, in uniforms
of their generational divide.
Only the eyes foretold their
shared conspiracy, as a woman
of chance was comforted by
their sidelong glances of dimpled delight.

She sat musing in quiet song
amongst the cargoed stuffing
of a one-way trip and the return duffle...
her reptilian travel bag relegated to the back.

The drops fell cool in the pelting
of the vessel of launch,
as the once proud house with a
For Sale sign bid farewell
to this final launch...
the last refuge at a point of no return...

The launch completed with the release
of a brake pedal
laid down towards a western sky.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful.
    Welcome back.

  2. Thanks Megan... I had plenty of time to think and reflect during this wonderful trek across this beautiful, vast country of ours.
