Tuesday, October 24, 2017

It is OK to be wrong even if you think you're right...vice a versa.

I know that I am right when left or so I thought.

Sooo when a former lefty louie lousy teamed up
with a rigged and rowdy right winged loosey...

well, I was amused and flummoxed. Goosey.

Diarrhea poetry is the bomb, dirty diatribes are the song.

Smoke a bong and I could be wrong... Wen dynasty?

What went wrong? Everything. Kaboom as a victory song.

But out of the mayhem, and out of a date anthem, about what
people care for as what once was a therefore...

We can't go on in polarity, when the stakes are high for
our progeny... but if we can all agree that the current
apogee is an old and dying apology... to a god no longer
in our linear space except as the wurst of a he-man, not human.

I'm not laughing, as I heard a man that spoke in the voice of a human.

There is hope in dissent, the race is too important to be spent.

I acquiesce without repent. I have hope without consent.

Well met... we meet and start anew. I see the me who resides in you.
A-hem and A-choo. I think again what I thought I knew. Who knew?

I don't, but I feel that I do. (there is no boo-hoo).

It's a circle of life, and the spiral is true.


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